Does it still fit you?

Out with the old, in with the new! it’s cliché, I know ,but hear me out. How many old things do you hold on to that no longer fit you? I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about my closet. You see every Fall and Spring I try to purge my closet. Meaning that as I switch out seasonal items I take note of things from the previous season that I did not use and I also take note of things for the upcoming season that I may no longer want to use. I don’t have a perfect system. In fact, I probably have a lot of things I should get rid of each season. Another friend of mine says that whenever she purchases something new she gets rid of something old. That way she’s constantly updating her wardrobe and not holding on to too many old items. I have to tell you I wish I had this type of discipline. I have items older than my 13 year old nephew, and they’re not vintage! And so I’m constantly trying to figure out how I’m going to fit new items in with these old items. And the new items don’t replace the old ones, because simply put, they’re different. I’ve notices as I go into stores or look at items on websites, or social media that the things I’m attracted to have changed. As we discussed the (dis) organization of my closets, I commented to my friend that I realize my style is changing and evolving, so some of my old things just aren’t a good fit anymore. And when I say a good fit I don’t mean size wise. A lot of times they fit perfectly fine and they’re in great condition but they just don’t fit me anymore. They don’t fit who I’ve become and so I’ve gradually begun the process of getting rid of them by donating them to charity. And so the “flash of insight” for this blog post is;how many things in our lives do we hold on to when they no longer fit who we’ve become, or are becoming”? It could be a dress or a pair of shoes. It could be a shade of lipstick or a piece of furniture. It could be a job, a habit or routine and sometimes it could even be a person (yikes). And so now we are faced with the task of figuring out what fits and if it doesn’t fit why are we holding on to the things that no longer fit us. My next blog post will talk a little bit about that , but for now let’s take stock of ourselves, our closets and our lives, Let’s figure out what’s old and needs to go and what new things we want to introduce to our lives. So there are about 6 months left in 2019 to add some meaning to that cliché; “out with the old, and in with the new”. What will this mean for you?