More On Thoughts

I told you I’m  always thinking! Lol. But I have some questions for you. Where are your thoughts taking you? Because you do know they are constantly taking you somewhere right? Are they taking you towards your goals? Are they allowing you to dream and be free from self-imposed restrictions? Or are they taking you down a road that leads to anxiety and fear? Do they take you to a place where you become immobilized? A place where there is no movement, no growth.

I will be the first to admit that your thoughts can take you down a rabbit hole. And once you’re down there, good luck getting out. For a lot of people this can lead to or exacerbate anxiety and depression. It can be the source of low self-esteem. And it can result in you not working toward becoming a better version of you simply because it can cause you to become stuck. So what can you do? 

Here are some tips. 

  1. Beware of irrational thinking- any thought that begins with “always” and/or  “never” can be irrational. Nothing in life with the exception of the sun rising and setting can be classified as always or never. There are always exceptions. So when you find your thoughts going in this direction pull up on the reins and stop yourself. 

  2. Combat irrational thoughts with logic and the truth. Once you identify a thought as being irrational, replace it with what is more rational. If you’re having difficulty with this, talk to a trusted friend, mentor, or family member. They may have some insight for you. 

  3. Create and practice life affirmations. These may be quotes, scriptures, or even simple words that resonate with you. They mean something to you, and when you say, read, write or hear them they make a difference.  It may even be a song that lifts your mood when you find yourself in a funk.

At the end of the day it is important to be intentional with your thoughts as much as possible. Our  thoughts dictate our emotions and our actions. Taking control of them means that they then cannot control you. Somehow I’m getting a visual of someone walking their dog, or is the dog in fact walking them? 🤷🏾‍♀️